Zoologist, photographer, presenter, filmmaker, mountain leader, bushcraft instructor.
Go Green with the Grimwades (Milkshake-C5). Evolutionary biologist, research scientist, presenter.
Marine biologist, oceanographer, presenter, award-winning communicator, author and YouTuber.
Springwatch and Curious Creatures (BBC). Presenter, biologist, permanent wheelchair user.
Countryfile, The One Show and Coast (BBC). Wildlife TV presenter, filmmaker, photographer.
Zoo Vet and Zoo Vet at Large (ITV). Television vet, specialist zoo and wildlife vet, author, speaker.
Rescue Dog to Super Dog (C4). World renowned animal trainer, presenter, author, speaker.
Snow Leopards of Leafy London (Animal Planet) and Rural Matters (Sky). Presenter, filmmaker.
Venomous snake specialist. One of the top reptile experts in the world. TV presenter, author.
Qualified vet, author, columnist, TV and online presenter. YouTube and wildlife podcast host.