The One Show (BBC) and The Gadget Show (C5). TV science presenter, astronomer and author.
Go Green with the Grimwades (Milkshake-C5). Evolutionary biologist, research scientist, presenter.
Gardening presenter, plant hunter. Created the World Garden at Lullingstone Castle.
Marine biologist, oceanographer, presenter, award-winning communicator, author and YouTuber.
Countdown to Life, The Nine Months that Made You (BBC). Consultant surgeon and scientist.
Rescue Dog to Super Dog (C4). World renowned animal trainer, presenter, author, speaker.
From Doctor Who’s companion (BBC) to Crufts’ commentator. TV presenter, actor and speaker.
Cats (BBC series). World leading authority on cats. TV presenter, biologist, behaviourist.
Soul and Jazz singer/songwriter. TV and radio presenter, arts show host, African history expert.
Gardeners’ World (BBC). Wildlife and gardening TV, radio and digital presenter, author and expert.